We design & deliver workshops with a variety of groups, including children, students, communities, and adults in companies. Our workshops range from discussions and presentations about bicycles, bicycle planning and use in cities, cycling to work, urban cycling games, fun maintenance workshops, bicycle design sessions, drawing sessions, bicycle painting, mural painting, themed bike rides, sessions on the dynamo and mini cycling challenges. We take the time to learn about where we’re working and who we’re working with, and we make sure to harness community assets to achieve the greatest long-term impact.
work with us.

Ghazeh, West Bekaa
August 2017
The Chain Effect took part in delivering workshops to Syrian and Lebanese students at the Makassed School in Ghazze, Bekaa. In our first session, we exchanged ideas about how each of us uses bicycles. We talked about cycling as transportation, showed examples of bicycle planning, bike use around the world, and the diversity of bicycles. Students designed their own bikes and watched videos about bicycles.
In our second session, we played an urban cycling game where students completed small challenges by bicycle in different parts of the ‘city’. We conducted a maintenance session where students taught each other how to fix different parts of a bike, with the help of Ali, the school’s caretaker.
In our third session, we painted a wall in the school playground with the students and with volunteers from Catalytic Action. The wall was transportation themed, and the bicycle designs of the students from session one were turned into stencils and incorporated into the mural.
The workshops were part of a project led by Catalytic Action to build a playground for Syrian and Lebanese students in al Makassed School, Ghazze. Through a partnership with Social Support Society, who run a Relief and Education Assistance program in 5 schools, a second shift for Syrian students is being provided at the school.
A big thanks to Mahmoud, who supported us all the way, to Ronan for some of the photos, to Lydia and Sophia for their help with the mural, and to Catalytic Action for the engaging opportunities.

Civic Education Through Arts & Sports
April and May 2016
The Chain Effect worked with three organizations, Min Ila, Development and Beyond and Frame to promote civic knowledge and civic engagement among 40 students from three public schools across the country. The project allowed the youth to explore new activities and express themselves through creative, alternative ways, like photography documentation, street art, basketball and city cycling. Through a street art workshop, The Chain Effect worked the students on a large scale participatory mural in the city that covered a variety of themes. In our second session, we organized a tailored bike ride through Beirut, visiting various cultural and historic sights and different neighborhoods. The students documented their journey and the city using their phone cameras under four main themes: Voice, Diversity, Public Spaces, Citizen. We introduced the students to an everyday cyclist and athlete, who inspired them with his cycling journey, and how he overcame day to day challenges.

Nahr el Bared bicycle Hub
June 2017, Ongoing
Together with Mishwar Amal and the Palestinian Youth Organization, The Chain Effect is carrying out a series of activities in Nahr el Bared Camp, North Lebanon, as part of establishing the Bicycle Hub, to raise awareness about the bicycle and encourage its use in and around the camp. The activities range from bicycle murals to discussions, games, urban planning sessions, and community bike maintenance. The focus is on using this opportunity to train local youth to eventually lead the Hub’s activities.
what we do.
street art.
bicycle parking.
bikers of beirut.
civic education.
bicycle hubs.
beirut cyclehack.
bike friendly businesses.